Saturday, October 19, 2013

The kids were desperate to get out of the house and Derek had a test he had to take at Dixie so I suggested we all go to the university together and just have an outing. So we gave ourselves a campus tour and the kids ended up having a GREAT time. There are fountains, stairs, statues, ramps, and other things all over the place. We even found a "free take one" shelf of VHSs. I let the kids take one, they of course had no idea what they were holding but they were excited anyway.

Aren't our kids amazing. Cute wonderful adorable little munchkins. For certain. Totes adorbes!

Derek is such a nice husband. I was playing a game with the kids and I got a ball stuck on the roof. The kids were feeling really sad and I figured that maybe we could spray it off the roof with water. Derek was taller so he volunteered to spray it off and all the good my idea was for was to get Derek soaked.The idea didn't work at all.  Meanwhile he is holding the hose, getting soaking wet, and I am just laughing at him. If he had taken the hose and sprayed me down I would totally deserve it. Eventually Derek and I got the ball of the roof by throwing rocks at it. Yeah...we cool.

We spent a Saturday volunteering cleaning up our local river. It was a lot of fun while also being really helpful to our community. According to the news we were able to be a part of 750 pounds of clean up. Way to give back Olivers!

We used the funds from the yard sale to buy the kids bikes. It has been so over due, they are the only kids in the neighborhood missing wheels but not anymore.  They are so excited to be able to have their bikes and ride up and down the road. Poor Alice fell on her face within 30 seconds, but she was so good and hopped right back on the bike and kept having fun. 


Making pine cone bird feeders with the kiddos. 


I love to dejunkify the house! And no better way then a yard sale. And I was so proud of my family to be willing to let go of so many things. The car was so full I am pretty sure it was illegal to drive. But drive it we did over to Ashley's house where we did a bang up job of making money. (sorry no pictures of the yard sale)