Monday, September 2, 2013

Some people handle the heat a little different then others and Derek has a car with no air conditioning, and this summer has been one of the hottest on record. Some of the days are getting up into the 120s. Well on this day I am trying to beat the heat and have a pool set up in the back yard. I hear Derek's car pull up and the next thing I see is Derek in the pool with the kids. The kids love their daddy and were so excited to be playing in the pool with him.

Painting boys vs girls. If you look at their plates at the beginning, they both have a beautiful rainbow of colors. As the painting continues Alice's palet is still just about the same as I had made it. And then there is Jude's, a big old pinky brown swirly mess.  Order vs Chaos. Yup.

Trying to escape the heat, hanging out at the mall, finding fun where we can.