Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A conked out Alice has never been cuter!

Jude being delightfully Jude on his first day back at Preschool. Have a great 2013 baby boy!

Taking over blog duties. I was able to go to Hawaii to present research that I worked on with some of my professors. It was an absolute treat! The hostel we stayed at was charmingly divey but right by the beach. Each day consisted of lots of walking to all of the places I wanted to go; Lanikai, the mall and food. I got to eat at a lot of street vendors and super cool japanese resturants.  Sadly while I was there my wallet was stolen and I got to spend the last few days in a forced fast and almost didn't make it on the plane but all in all it was a great trip. It would have been better if my wife and kids could have come!

My dear sweet sister Andrea invited us to a "Bubble Fest" They had 3 HUGE giant bubble machines and there were so many bubbles that Jude and Alice weren't able to see over them. We had to rescue them from all the soapy goodness. It was so much great fun!

This was chasing us down the highway today. Yikes!

Some water fun with the kiddos!

Derek and I have taken up the noble sport of Raquetball. And with this summer heat raging on a raquetball court is the best place for the kids to run around. They throw the ball, they chase the ball, they love the echo effect they can make. It is so much fun! Derek and I will even play full games with them in the court. If a kid gets in the way we just call "kid-erference." They get into the spirit and run around with us having just as much fun. Can't wait until they get a little older and we can start playing with them for real.